Life Coaching

As a life coach I can help you improve your life, and achieve your life goals. the benefit of hiring me as an abundance coach lies in the profound and transformative impact you have on my clients’ lives, helping them unlock their full potential and create a future rich in possibilities and fulfillment. Life coaching can be a combination of consulting, mentoring, guiding and friendship.

If you are reading this is because you have decided to take control of your life and bring it to the next level. No matter who you are in life, we can all do with a helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, or someone to shine a light on the path ahead.

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These are the areas you can improve by working with me.

Mindset Transformation:

I guide my clients in shifting their mindset from scarcity to abundance. This transformation empowers them to see opportunities where they once saw obstacles, fostering a positive and growth-oriented outlook on life.

Customized Strategies:

Through personalized coaching, I help clients identify their unique strengths, values, and goals. This allows me to tailor strategies that align with their individual aspirations, maximizing their potential for success.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs:

Many individuals struggle with limiting beliefs that hinder their progress. As an abundance coach, I work collaboratively with my clients to identify and overcome these beliefs, unlocking their true potential and enabling them to pursue their dreams with confidence.

Goal Achievement:

My coaching provides a structured and supportive framework for clients to set and achieve meaningful goals. By breaking down larger aspirations into manageable steps, I guide them in making steady progress toward a life of abundance.

Accountability and Support:

My role involves holding clients accountable for their actions and commitments. This accountability, combined with your unwavering support, helps them stay focused and motivated even in the face of challenges.

Strategic Planning:

With my expertise, I am able to assist clients in developing strategic plans for their personal and professional lives. This includes creating a roadmap for financial abundance, career advancement, and overall life fulfillment.

Improved Self-Image:

Through my coaching, clients cultivate a positive self-image and self-worth. This newfound confidence becomes a driving force in their ability to attract and capitalize on opportunities that contribute to a more abundant life.

Lasting Positive Change:

My way of coaching isn't just about short-term fixes; it's about instigating lasting positive change. Clients who work with me gain the skills and mindset necessary to navigate life's challenges with resilience and maintain a state of abundance over the long term.

Schedule your Discovery today!

Every decision you make, from your choices to how you respond to the circumstances of your life shapes your destiny and how your life will turn out!
Have you wondered how different your life would be if you didn’t need everyone’s approval?
Are you ready to make the shift?
Are you ready to make yourself a priority? Book your call Now! 


“I could not recommend Claudia more!!!!! She has transformed my life, or even better, she helped me transform my own life!!!!! By loving myself, believing in myself and taking the time to heal.”
One of the most intuitive and passionate people I know! Claudia has a way to make you feel like the most important person in the world because to her you are! Claudia is a living billboard of what she teaches! If you want a breakthrough in SELF WORTH so you can increase your NET WORTH Claudia is the BLESSING for you! Get ready to learn how to MANIFEST the ABUNDANCE and PROSPERITY that is waiting for you to claim!
Claudia always helps me see how much opportunity I have in my world and how powerful I truly am as a person. She’s always believed in my ability to succeed in the way I envision and helps me to maintain the mindset needed to do so. She is supportive, direct, and positive. I absolutely love working with her.
I've had the privilege of working with Claudia as an artist and deeply respect her talents. Claudia is also a remarkable coach/author with great wisdom and insight to benefit everyday life. Her personal successes and care for family shines through in all that she does and fosters for clients!
Claudia is passionate about helping people discover their best lives. She is an accomplished author of two books, "Brighter Days" and "I Don't Shrink to Fit." both sharing life experiences and expectancies to encourage growth and self love. Claudia cares about helping others to see their own potential.
Claudia has a magnetic zest for life and it comes through in all she does. Whether it's through her writing in published books or coaching work, she loves sharing her insight and perspectives with others that are practical and inspiring. I am proud to call Clauda my friend and appreciate the positivity she radiates and shares with the world through her professional projects and initiatives.

Get in touch with Claudia​

You can get in touch with Claudia via Facebook, Instagram or Email.  Be sure to join Claudia’s email list for regular motivation and insightful messages. 


